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hindu pushup

Hindu Pushup- Create The Strength You Always Desired

Hindu pushup is believed to have its roots originated from India. Hindu pushups resemble a lot with a hugely popular exercise performed by Indian wrestlers. And thus, the exercise have its name as the Hindu push-ups.

Hindu pushup provide better strength and endurance to the muscles. It is a complete exercise that gives the body a compounded effect. It provides better flexibility and posture to the body.

This calisthenics workout is not easy, but at the time same they aren’t as difficult as other variations of standard push up. It helps to connect your body to the mind and keeps the entire body active all the time.

It is one of the better alternatives for the regular pushup and doesn’t let the fitness routine become mundane.

Hindu Push up tutorials and benefits of Hindu pushup

Hindu Pushup

Hindu pushup is one exercise, where the body performs both eccentric and concentric contractions. This eccentric and concentric movement separates the Hindu push-ups from the rest. Hindu pushups allow your body for better muscle development and stronger joints.

A comprehensive exercise that works on your joints and increases the mobility of your body. It provides assistance in increasing flexibility, body posture and cardiovascular health.

It is a fantastic and true workout for all the athletes – as it works on all the muscles, an athlete might be concerned of.

In this segment, we will discuss the technique involved in attempting Hindu push up, the benefits of the exercise, and it’s comparison to other body weight exercises.

Technique to perform and master the art Hindu push-ups

Hindu push-ups don’t require as much core strength that one might require for other variations like handstand push up and superman push-ups. Though it doesn’t mean that it is quite simple to accomplish. No exercise will be of any importance, if not performed with proper technique.

This is a compound exercise so make sure you do some sort of stretching exercises at the very start of your fitness routine. Stretching of muscle increases the fluidity of body and loosen your muscles.

Steps To Perform Hindu Pushup

1. Get in the standard pushup position, by placing the hands shoulder width apart and knees touching the ground. Keep the feet hip width apart with a flat back. If you’re a beginner, keep them at a distance.

For advanced level, you can try to get them as close as possible to increase the difficulty and intensity.

2. Once in the start position, raise your butt up in the air. Keep your arms, back, and legs in a straight position. In this position, your body will form an inverted V, or an upside-down V. This will be the starting position to perform reps.

3. Breathe in. Before continuing the movements, inhale deeply. As you breathe in, starting bending the elbow outward and lower the chest to the floor. Your butt should be more in level with the floor, but still a little high.

4. While your chest closes towards the floor, scoop your head upwards, while arching the upper and lower back. At this point, take care of your breathing pattern which is discussed below.

5. Once you have performed the scooping, arching and upward motion movements, straighten your arm, lift the torso and look upward. At this point, your butt will be down to the floor, but yet not touching it.

6. Return to your starting position and repeat the movements.

Benefits of Hindu push-ups

This variation of regular pushup stabilizes and strengthen your joints. It is a combination of two yoga poses, namely upward facing the dog and downward facing dog position. Doing both of these movements increase spine flexibility. Thus making you less prone to injuries.

Hindu push-ups, offer a wide range of benefits for both the body and mind. Incorporating these dynamic exercises into your fitness routine can enhance your overall physical performance and contribute to your overall well-being.

Here are some key benefits of Hindu push-ups:

Full-Body Strength: Hindu push-ups engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. They target the chest, shoulders, arms, core muscles, and legs, promoting overall strength and muscular development.

Improved Flexibility and Mobility: The flowing movement of Hindu push-ups involves dynamic stretching and extension of the spine, which can enhance flexibility and mobility. Regular practice can improve joint mobility, particularly in the shoulders, hips, and spine.

Core Stability and Balance: Hindu push-ups require core engagement throughout the exercise, promoting core stability and strengthening the muscles that support proper posture and balance.

Functional Fitness: Hindu push-ups mimic real-life movements, making them highly functional exercises. They can improve overall body coordination, movement efficiency, and the ability to perform daily activities with greater ease.

Increased Endurance: Performing Hindu push-ups in a continuous, rhythmic manner challenges cardiovascular endurance, helping to improve stamina and overall fitness levels.

Mind-Body Connection: The fluid, mindful nature of Hindu push-ups encourages a strong mind-body connection. Focusing on the movement and breath can promote mental relaxation and mindfulness, reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being.

Convenience and Accessibility: Hindu push-ups require no equipment and can be performed virtually anywhere, making them a convenient and accessible exercise option for travelers or those with limited access to a gym.

Incorporating Hindu push-ups into your fitness routine can provide a multitude of benefits, including increased strength, flexibility, and functional fitness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, these dynamic exercises can challenge and enhance your overall physical capabilities while promoting a balanced and holistic approach to fitness.

Breathing Pattern for Hindu Push-Ups – It is important

Unlike in most other exercises, the breathing pattern is opposite when it comes to Hindu push-ups. Instead of breathing out while pushing, you must breathe in. Inhale as you slowly move from the downward dog position to the upward dog position.

Proper breathing is essential during any exercise, including Hindu push-ups. By coordinating your breath with the movement, you can optimize your performance, enhance energy efficiency, and maintain focus throughout the exercise.

Here’s a recommended breathing pattern for Hindu push-ups:

  • Starting Position: Begin in a downward dog position with your hips raised and your body forming an inverted V shape. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with air.
  • Descending Phase: As you transition into the descending phase of the Hindu push-up, bend your elbows and lower your torso towards the ground. During this movement, exhale steadily through your mouth, focusing on engaging your core and maintaining controlled breathing.
  • Ascending Phase: As you push your torso upward and extend your arms, transitioning into the ascending phase, inhale deeply through your nose. Fill your lungs with air to replenish oxygen and support your exertion.
  • Transition to Downward Dog: At the top of the movement, as you return to the starting position, exhale fully through your mouth. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm of breath throughout the exercise.

Remember to breathe naturally and avoid holding your breath during Hindu push-ups. The suggested breathing pattern above is a general guideline, and you can adjust it according to your comfort and individual needs.

It’s important to prioritize smooth, controlled breathing to optimize oxygen intake, promote relaxation, and enhance overall performance during the exercise.

Should you include the Hindu Pushup in your routine?

Yes, incorporate this versatile exercise into your exercise routine. It will provide you the flexibility which will assist you to accomplish other intense exercises.

If you’re a beginner, start by practicing the upward and downward dog positions. Perform this position until you feel comfortable doing it. Smooth and fluid movement of the body is extremely crucial when it comes to accomplishing Hindu push-ups.

For intermediate, who feel comfortable doing the movements, perform 2 – 3 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions. Include this with your full body workout and increase the flexibility of the body.

For advanced level, perform 2 – 3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions. The more, the better. It works on the entire body, so keep performing and increasing your flexibility.

Muscle Group Hindu Pushup works on

The Hindu pushup, also known as the “dand”, is a dynamic bodyweight exercise that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This compound exercise not only strengthens and tones various parts of your body but also enhances flexibility and mobility.

Let’s explore the primary muscle groups targeted by Hindu pushups:

Chest (Pectoralis Major):

The Hindu pushup heavily targets the chest muscles. As you perform the exercise, the pushing motion engages the pectoralis major, helping to develop and strengthen the muscles in your chest.

Shoulders (Deltoids):

During the upward phase of the Hindu pushup, your shoulders are actively engaged. The deltoid muscles, which surround the shoulder joint, play a significant role in stabilizing and controlling the movement.

Arms (Triceps and Biceps):

Hindu pushups work the triceps, located at the back of your upper arm, as they assist in extending the elbows during the pushing motion. Additionally, the biceps muscles at the front of your upper arm are engaged during the lowering phase of the exercise.

Core Muscles (Abdominals and Lower Back):

The dynamic nature of the Hindu pushup requires a strong core for stability and control. The exercise engages the abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis and obliques, as well as the muscles in your lower back, such as the erector spinae, to maintain proper alignment and support throughout the movement.

Legs (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, and Glutes):

While the primary focus of the Hindu pushup is on the upper body, it also engages the lower body to a certain extent. The quadriceps muscles at the front of your thighs, hamstrings at the back, and glutes are all involved in stabilizing your body during the exercise.

Incorporating Hindu pushups into your workout routine can provide a comprehensive upper body and core workout. They offer a dynamic and challenging alternative to traditional pushups, allowing you to develop strength, muscular endurance, and overall functional fitness.

Make Hindu Pushup a little more intense – Put on some weight

Like with most another exercise, doing the same fitness routine can get mundane. You know longer feel the intensity and energy levels can drop down considerably.

This happens because you have accomplished the exercise comfortably and there isn’t anything that challenges you anymore. And thus boredom sweeps in your fitness routine making it mundane.

This is where you should increase the difficulty level and try to make the exercise more intense. The more challenging it becomes, the more effort one tries to put in.

It will also help you keep the energy level high, ultimately having a positive effect on your muscular strength. To make the Hindu push-up little more intense, you can put on a weight belt and then perform the exercise.

It will increase the load on your core, and thus increasing the resistance power of the body.

Hindu Push-ups vs. Bench Press

Hindu push-ups can be more superior as compared to bench press. It provides more benefits and flexibility than the bench press exercise. This is due to the following reasons.

1. It manipulates the entire region of the body, thus thrusting more pressure on the chest. The more the pressure on the chest, the better are the results. Increase in load creates more muscular strength.

2. Bodyweight exercise like Hindu push-ups, are a better way of connecting mind with muscles and thus works on the target muscles a little better.

3. Also, in bodyweight exercise, you don’t need to use any external weight. All you need to have is an exercise mat and the motivation to improve. The more motivated you are, the better will be the results.

4. Hindu pushups also keep you less injury prone. This is because of the flexibility it provides to the body. Better flexibility enhances your load carrying capabilities and reduces chances of external injuries.

Wrapping up

Hindu push-ups are extremely effective because of their eccentric and concentric nature. Your body gets involved in both motions simultaneously thus increasing the overall strength and flexibility in your body. It is a fantastic option for athletes who want to build muscular strength in less amount of time.

Attempting this exercise is a good way to increase flexibility and range of motion in your body. This also remains a great exercise to lose some weight and get your body toned up.

So if you are someone, who feels the regular push up are quite simple and are looking to create some strength, effective postures, power, better movements, and stability – Hindu push up is definitely recommended to be incorporated in your fitness routine.

It can also be used a progression exercise towards a more difficult version of the conventional pushup, like pike push-up. So don’t wait, buckle up and have some fun with the Hindu pushups.