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Pseudo Planche Pushup

Pseudo Planche Pushup: A Step-by-Step Guide to Improved Strength and Control

As you delve deeper into the realm of bodyweight exercises, you will come across many variations of the classic pushup. One particularly challenging variant is the Pseudo Planche Pushup.

Unlike its regular counterpart, the Pseudo Planche Pushup requires not just strength but also a high level of control, stability, and body awareness.

This exercise, often witnessed in the training routines of gymnasts and martial artists, is not just about building impressive upper body strength.

It’s also a stepping stone towards the highly coveted full planche pushup, an advanced skill where your entire body is held parallel to the ground, supported solely by your hands.

Much like the characters from Greek mythology that it shares its name with, the Planche (pronounced “plank”) is as formidable as it is inspiring.

But worry not, because the Pseudo Planche Pushup is here to act as your trusted guide, helping you progressively build towards that seemingly insurmountable goal.

So, if you’re ready for a challenge and are eager to test your core strength and push your body to its limits, then the Pseudo Planche Pushup awaits!

In a full planche pushup, you are required to maintain the entire body weight with your hands. The legs basically are extended in the air right behind you. The up and down movement of the body is solely carried by bending your elbows, meaning the entire body weight is on be loaded on your palms.

Pseudo planche push up is a great technique and routine to achieve the full planche pushups. So if you like challenges and think to possess immense strength in the core – this exercise is certainly for you.

Pseudo Planche Pushup
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The Journey to Mastering Pseudo Planche Pushups

Building the Foundation: What You Need Before You Start

The journey to master the pseudo planche pushup begins with laying a solid foundation with regular pushups. Just like a sturdy edifice stands on a strong base, your pseudo planche pushup performance relies heavily on your ability to execute standard pushups.

You should be able to comfortably complete 50-100 reps of regular pushups swiftly before progressing to the pseudo planche variant.

This is because, in a pseudo planche pushup, your entire body weight must be borne by your hands and toes. While in a regular pushup your hands are beneath your shoulders, in a pseudo planche pushup, they are positioned near your waist, demanding a greater engagement of your core and shoulder muscles.

Hence, a robust performance in regular pushups not only prepares your muscles for the strain but also ensures you have the necessary stamina.

Besides upper body strength, this challenging exercise also necessitates an extraordinary level of core stability and muscular endurance. A strong, stable core enhances balance, improves the transfer of power between upper and lower body, and protects your back against injuries, making it crucial for successfully performing the pseudo planche pushup.

The Step-By-Step Guide to Pseudo Planche Pushups

Embarking on the pseudo planche pushup journey is a commitment to patience, regular practice, and precise execution. This challenging exercise demands correct technique for optimal results and injury prevention.

  • 1. Start by getting onto a floor mat, with your legs extended behind your body. Position your hands by your waist, fingers pointing forward or away from the trunk. Ensure your body weight is supported entirely by your hands and toes.
  • 2. Press your elbows against your ribs to stabilize the upper body. Engage your core and thighs to keep your body in a straight line. This position is crucial in preventing your hips from sagging and straining your lower back.
  • 3. Now comes the ‘pushup’ part. Lower your body by bending your elbows while maintaining the alignment of your body. Remember, the up and down movement of the body is solely managed by your elbow flexion and extension, thereby loading your entire body weight onto your palms.

While performing this exercise, your breathing technique and hydration status can significantly influence your performance. Maintain a regular breathing pattern, inhaling as you lower your body and exhaling as you push up.

The intensity of pseudo planche pushups can lead to quick dehydration, so ensure adequate water intake before starting the exercise.

Mastering the pseudo planche pushup isn’t an achievement unlocked in a few attempts. However, with consistency, patience, and the right technique, you can conquer this formidable exercise and unlock a new level of strength and endurance.

Muscles Pseudo Planche Pushup Works on
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The Benefits of Pseudo Planche Pushups

An Exercise in Strength: Power Up Your Pushing Capabilities

Pseudo Planche Pushups are a powerhouse when it comes to ramping up your pushing strength. Regular performance of this exercise significantly enhances your pushing capabilities. So, whether you’re looking to perfect your handstand pushups or just want to power up your pushup game, the Pseudo Planche is your loyal ally.

Stabilizing the Core: Laying the Foundation for Advanced Skills

Stability is at the heart of Pseudo Planche Pushups. By actively engaging your core, you not only forge a solid six-pack but also develop a level of core stability that can significantly improve your overall bodyweight training performance.

The Springboard to Advanced Skills: From Climbing to Planche Mastery

One of the standout benefits of the Pseudo Planche Pushup is how it paves the way for more advanced bodyweight skills. Whether you’re looking to enhance your climbing strength, aspire to perform fluid shoulder and handstand pushups, or have your eyes set on the illustrious planche, the Pseudo Planche Pushup is your launchpad to advanced bodyweight excellence.

Muscles Worked by Pseudo Planche Pushups

The pseudo planche pushup is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, delivering a comprehensive upper-body workout.

Primary Muscles:

Pectorals (Chest): The pecs are heavily engaged during the pseudo planche pushup. As you lower and raise your body, you’re using these muscles to control the movement and support your body weight.

Deltoids (Shoulders): The unique hand placement in this pushup variation shifts a lot of the workload to the anterior (front) deltoids. The result is a robust shoulder workout that enhances strength and stability.

Triceps Brachii (Arms): Just like standard pushups, the pseudo planche pushup enlists your triceps to straighten your arms as you push up from the bottom position.

Secondary Muscles:

Core Muscles: To maintain your body in a straight line during the movement, your rectus abdominis (abs), obliques (sides of your abdomen), and erector spinae (lower back) are actively engaged. These muscles work together to stabilize your spine, helping to prevent your hips from sagging and enhancing your overall balance and coordination.

Serratus Anterior: This muscle, located on the side of your chest, is essential for scapular stability and movement. During the pseudo planche pushup, it helps to keep the scapulae (shoulder blades) flat against the ribcage.

Wrist Flexors: The wrist flexors, located in your forearms, work to stabilize your wrists against the force of your body weight. Their role is especially important in pseudo planche pushups due to the increased stress from the altered hand position.

In conclusion, the pseudo planche pushup is a highly efficient, total-body workout that develops upper body strength, core stability, and muscular endurance, preparing your body for more advanced calisthenics movements.

Precautions While Performing Pseudo Planche Pushup
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Tailoring Pseudo Planche Pushups to Your Fitness Level

For Beginners:

Starting your pseudo planche pushup journey might seem daunting at first, but it’s all about taking small, manageable steps. It’s important to build a strong base of regular pushups before you transition. Aim to be able to complete at least 50-100 reps of standard pushups comfortably.

To begin the transition, modify your hand placement. In a standard pushup position, gradually shift your hands towards your waist. The farther back your hands, the more intense the exercise will become, but remember to only go as far as your current strength allows. You might also start by turning your hands slightly outwards, reducing the strain on your wrists.

For Intermediate and Advanced Level Practitioners:

Once you’re comfortable with the pseudo planche pushup form and can perform multiple reps and sets, it’s time to add intensity and challenge yourself.

Planche leans are a great way to progress. During your pseudo planche pushups, lean further forward to increase the load on your hands and arms. The further you lean, the more challenging the exercise.

Another way to increase intensity is by incorporating an elevated surface, such as parallettes or pushup handles. This elevation allows for a deeper range of motion and intensifies the activation of the targeted muscles.

Finally, consider implementing isometric holds at the top and bottom of the pushup. These pauses increase the time under tension for your muscles, further boosting strength and endurance.

Remember, no matter your fitness level, the key to mastering the pseudo planche pushup is consistency and gradual progression. Always listen to your body and adjust as needed to avoid injuries. It’s a journey, and every small progression brings you one step closer to the full planche pushup.

Precautions While Performing Pseudo Planche Pushup

While the pseudo planche pushup is an effective exercise for building upper body strength and core stability, it also demands careful attention to safety measures.

Here are some crucial safety guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Build Strength Gradually: This exercise requires substantial upper body strength, so ensure you have a strong foundation of regular pushups before attempting the pseudo planche pushup. Trying this exercise without sufficient strength could lead to injuries.
  • Perfect Your Form: Always prioritize form over the number of repetitions. Incorrect form can put undue strain on your muscles and joints, leading to injuries. Ensure your body remains in a straight line from head to toe throughout the exercise, with your elbows tucked close to your body and your hands positioned correctly.
  • Stay Hydrated: This high-intensity workout can quickly cause dehydration, which may affect your performance and overall health. Ensure you are well-hydrated before, during, and after your workout to maintain energy levels and facilitate recovery.
  • Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Always start your workout with a proper warm-up to prepare your body for the intensive exercise ahead. Similarly, conclude with a cool-down period, incorporating stretches to help your muscles recover and prevent stiffness.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel any pain or discomfort during the exercise, stop immediately. It’s important to recognize the difference between the discomfort of muscle exertion and the pain of a potential injury.
  • Progress Slowly: Don’t rush into increasing the intensity of the exercise. Gradually work on increasing your strength and improving your form.

Adherence to these safety precautions will ensure a productive and injury-free journey towards mastering the pseudo planche pushup.

When to Incorporate Pseudo Planche Pushups in Your Workout

The timing of when to incorporate pseudo planche pushups into your workout regimen is important, largely due to the intensity of the exercise.

Early in Your Workout: Pseudo planche pushups demand considerable strength and stamina, making them ideal to perform early in your workout routine. After a thorough warm-up, your energy levels will be at their peak, allowing for optimal performance. This is especially beneficial when first incorporating this challenging exercise into your routine, as you’ll have maximum strength to maintain proper form and control.

In the Middle of Your Workout: You can also add pseudo planche pushups in the middle of your workout, especially if you’re combining them with other intense exercises. This can help keep your stamina and energy levels high throughout your workout.

At the End of Your Workout: If you’re an advanced athlete and want to push your limits, consider adding these pushups towards the end of your workout as a burnout exercise. It’s a great way to exhaust your muscles at the end of an intensive training session. However, it’s crucial to maintain proper form even when you’re tired, so stop if you feel your form is being compromised.

Regardless of when you incorporate them into your routine, always ensure you have properly warmed up your muscles beforehand, and cool down afterwards, to prevent injury.

Next-Level Challenges and Progressions Pseudo Planche Pushup

Once you’ve mastered the basic form of pseudo planche pushups, there are several ways you can increase the difficulty and challenge yourself further. Here’s how you can take your training to the next level:

Weighted Pseudo Planche Pushups: Add weight on your lower back using a weight vest or a weighted backpack. This increases the resistance, making the exercise more challenging. Ensure that the added weight doesn’t disrupt your form.

Elevated Pseudo Planche Pushups: Elevate your feet on a sturdy platform or a step to increase the difficulty. This variation places more weight on your hands, thus requiring more strength to perform.

Wall-assisted Pseudo Planche Pushups: Rather than keeping your toes on the ground, try pushing them against a wall for support. Elevate your legs to shoulder height and then perform the pushup. This helps in progressing towards the full planche push-up and adds an extra layer of difficulty.

Straddle or Tucked Planche Pushups: These variations further challenge your core stability and shoulder strength. The tucked planche pushup involves keeping your knees close to your chest while performing the exercise, whereas the straddle variation requires spreading your legs wide apart in the air.

Remember, these progressions should be approached gradually. Always prioritize maintaining good form over adding extra challenge to avoid injury. Start with a few reps and sets, and as your strength improves, gradually increase the intensity.

Wrapping Up

Pseudo planche pushups are an advanced bodyweight exercise with a range of benefits, from strengthening your pushing abilities to improving your core stability. They serve as a stepping stone towards achieving the full planche pushup, a coveted milestone in calisthenics training.

However, these are not exercises you can dive into without adequate preparation. Building a strong foundation through regular pushups and ensuring sufficient core strength is crucial. Take your time to master the correct form, use the step-by-step guide provided, and adhere to the safety measures discussed to avoid injuries.

Remember, progressing to advanced variations such as the weighted or wall-assisted pseudo planche pushups should only be done when you are comfortable with the basic form. Stay patient, consistent, and mindful of your body’s signals.

In the world of fitness, every achievement, no matter how small, is a step forward. With commitment and perseverance, the pseudo planche pushup will become a proud addition to your fitness repertoire, propelling you towards higher levels of strength, control, and overall physical prowess.